About us

Úrsula Mendoza.

A little bit about me...

 My name is Úrsula Mendoza and I am here to make you REMEMBER (YES! remember, because we already KNOW EVERYTHING, we have just forgotten it) the keys that helped me in my process of connecting with my soul.

 My life was for me an extreme duality, half of the year was the best of luck and the other half the worst curse (and when I say the worst it is literal, hitting rock bottom). I studied HR because I am always passionate about psychology and emotional intelligence, everything that had to do with the mind, but I saw it in a very superficial way, I did not delve much into this knowledge. I had the best jobs at the managerial level and goods (house, apartment, trips, cars, luxuries) and still I felt unhappy, I did not understand what life was for. Like going through many relationships and chasing GOALS to find meaning in life, which was in vain as I kept feeling empty and sinking more emotionally. I had the gift of helping others (and I had no answers) highly developed intuition (even everyone called me a witch, because I said something and it happened) but I kept quiet with my mind, I doubted and paid no attention

 My awakening began in 2018 at 33 years old, I started to feel strange after my birthday, I lived in Spain, I was a Manager in a store, I had already started my own business (a franchise), I had the APPARENTLY perfect marriage, in a few words the life I always dreamed period I WAS NOT HAPPY, and if it was still empty ... 4 months after my birthday I couldn't take it anymore and it exploded, I abandoned EVERYTHING in a day, I resigned, I closed the business and filed for divorce. I was in total confinement for a year, I dedicated myself to looking for answers, to know what was happening to me, I have always characterized myself as SELF-EDUCATED, and the synchronies began ... astrology came into my life and I must honestly say that I save myself the Life, now everything made sense, it is a WONDERFUL tool and that even the unbelievers or more mental can not find answers to what I tell them (they are literally open-mouthed). I went from thinking that life had no meaning and that in a past life I must have been too wicked to deserve everything that happens to think, feel and recognize that my life HAD A PURPOSE. I devoured books in two days (and if I can read a book even in one day).

 And my great Master arrived (although he does not like to be called that) Ivan Donalson, I honestly have no words to describe the impact it has had and continues to have on my life. And as a domino effect Miguel appeared in my life, the most beautiful synchrony and my most beautiful reflection (LOVE YOU MUCH WITH TOO MUCH)

Thanks to these tools I have found my way, my address:

My deep desire for service and my great passion for conscious evolution ...

And here we are Miguel and I, with our life purpose

Miguel García

A little bit about me

My life since I was a child due to my dad's work was somewhat multicultural, since I was 6 months old I lived outside my country and I didn't return to Mexico until I was 9 years old, which made it not fit perfectly on my return. Probably from there arises my immense desire to question everything, to learn, to search for new truths, this scientific thought was always coupled with a desire to experience different sensations, my interest in music always accompanied me, and an interest in aeronautics I see more linked by an interest in flying and exploring more, that longing inspired by my early life to be neither here nor there.

That exasperation caused by my curiosity and feeling oblivious to being stagnant, probably causes a rather conflictive adolescence, my escape at that time was Art as occupational therapy, thanks to my dad who thought of that solution to my temperament I learned skills that ended up being the beginning of a dream.

Since high school, I was convinced to undertake and never have a job, my inherent desire for freedom dictated that path, my aspirations at the time were music, aviation or Engineering, because my father also had outstanding mathematical skills and my constant interest in questioning everything attracted me to science. Music considers it a complicated path that would not give me freedom for a long time, aviation was very expensive and we were not in a position to be able to carry it out, so I ended up opting for engineering, where I already had experience thanks to helping my brother in a business that he had started with a friend from whom I became independent soon after.

But I did not last long in the same place, I needed to move, so I returned to Mexico City, my hometown, but which I knew for a few months. I changed Universities, I entered all the Public Universities, because where something did not fit me or I saw an inconsistency made me move, I knew that the answer was always in that constant change.

I finish the Engineering and by pre-programmed "chances" I meet Ivan Donalson, a person who became a guide, an excellent friend, a brother and a coach in many difficult aspects of my life. My mentor was always my dad and my coach at many times was my mom, however my interest in creating a company always led me to look for examples, mentors outside the family and from books, I was always very pragmatic, throughout my stage I never achieved or wanted to memorize anything from studies, everything was logical and practical, trial and error.

Hence several businesses, companies, failures that brought me closer to an established goal, together with Iván Metayantra is created a project that continues to grow today that is a baby to whom I have given and I give attention, love, protection and dedication, I achieved my dream, to be independent, I am always busy, but I never work, I just enjoy what I do. My biggest learning on this path has been that things never go as expected or planned, but always better, when you learn not to cling, for example in my case to engineering, music or aviation.

And success is not a goal, it is a path that is enjoyed at every step, in every “failure” in every mistake and learning, in every coincidence, in accepting that we will never arrive, but that we will enjoy the journey. Today my greatest coincidence has become my personal head coach, Úrsula whom I thank has come to revolutionize my life, a union that grows day by day, with this connection that opened a new panorama and an expansion of consciousness. I LOVE YOU, and thanks for BEING and BEING. It is thanks to her that this project comes to life.

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